Friday, September 1, 2023


In MAD's parody of The Music Man that I posted a few months ago, I went off on a tangent about how humor magazines parodied this hippie phenomenon, portraying them as a bunch of dirty kids who have sex all the time and do drugs and never take baths. Sick especially used them as a go-to target. I said then that it would be impossible for me to find every use of comedians not getting the counterculture, but I should put up more pages from issues of Sick.

The issue I had with 101 Hippie Jokes was missing a back cover, now that I've seen it, it continues the jokes from the inside.
Here's more hippie material from issue #58, February 1968.
Hippies made up the rumor about smoking bananas themselves. There's a part of Steal This Book that helped spread the hoax, saying the insides of bananas had hallucinatory properties. Donavan's Mellow Yellow was said to be about smoking bananas.
I've said Fred Wolfe is Paul Laikin. I believe this to be true because Paul Laikin has edited practically every MAD imitation in existence and used the same material in different magazines. Some of the recycled material has had both bylines.
Speaking of hippies, in 1991 there was a movie of The Doors directed by Oliver Stone, starring Val Kilmer as Jim Morrison. Cracked didn't do a parody of it, but did a poem about it in #263, September 1991.

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