Friday, September 18, 2020


(1964-67) ABC
Gen. Crowe- John Larkin
Col. Gallagher- Paul Burke 12 O'CROCKED HIGH
MAD #106, October 1966
w: Dick DeBartolo
a: Mort Drucker

12 O'Clock High was a series about fighter pilots during World War II, based on an earlier film. It started black and white then was color.

The map here is of Michigan and Wisconsin, the troop on the far left is Smilin' Jack.
Another airman here is Steve Canyon.
I could not find who "Captain Sweat" was supposed to be. There are no references to a character with a name that sounds like his, so he may have been created for this. I don't know if he's meant to resemble anyone, though in some panels he looks like Steve McQueen.
Sgt. Wolfe was definitely created for this.
When the Moon Comes Over the Mountain was a song popularized by Kate Smith.
I'm sure everyone's familiar with James and the Giant Peach and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory so I don't need to explain the joke in the first panel. I am looking for scans of Cracked's parody of the show 12 O'Clock High Jinks, and will update this post with panels from it when I get it.

Dell published two issues of a comic based on the series.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. In the splash panel, the guy giving the briefing is Andrew Duggan, who joined the show in the second season. If John Larkin is there, I think he may be the guy on the right holding the Dear John letter.

    And the guy in the center, wearing the hat, I think might be Gary Lockwood, who was on a few episodes. That might also be him on page 6, panel 5, on the right, though I can't explain the name tag that says 'Don'.
