Saturday, September 19, 2020


(1958-1964) ABC

Stu Bailey- Efrem Zimbalist, Jr.
Jeff Spencer- Roger Smith
Gerald “Kookie” Kookson- Edd Byrnes

MAD #52, January 1960
w: Larry Siegel
a: Mort Drucker

Kookie was the breakout star, not given top billing yet, but would by the end of the show. Kind of the Fonz of his time.

Maybe that's an equally dated reference. Who would be the equivalent now?

The main stars were intended to be heart-throbs.

Because the client for their newest case is not attractive by Hollywood standards, they pawn her off on Paladin (Richard Boone), mercenary from Have Gun, Will Travel.

Kookie parked cars next door at Dino's Lodge, the real life lounge of Dean Martin.
Peter Gunn tells them they'd better shape up.
There were five issues of a comic book of this series published, drawn by Alex Toth.


Help! #10, May 1961
w: Harvey Kurtzman
a: Bill Elder

The premise here is that the New Frontier of the Kennedys has glamourized the Presidency the same way everthing else on television is glamourizesd.
The secretary is meant to be Jackie Kennedy. During Kennedy's election ballots in Illinois were disposed of. The names are being removed from the door because they were the former President and V.P.
Police chief Hammerhold is meant to be UN Secretary-General Dag Hammorskjold. Fidel Castro's Beard is compared to that of the Smith Brothers' Cough Drops mascot. Krushchev is carrying an ice skate because he was often portrayed holding a shoe, known for banging it on a table at a United Nations meeting and shouting “We will bury you!”.


  1. In the Help story, the TV show starts with the murder of someone named Lagumba. I'd assume this is a reference to the assassination of Patrice Lumumba, first prime minister of the Congo.

    In page one, panel 2, the background figures on the right are Rex Harrison and Julie Andrews from the original stage production of My Fair Lady, probably derived from Hirschfeld.

    On page 2, the Rat Pack members are Shirley MacLaine, Peter Lawford, Frank Sinatra, and Joey Bishop, with Dean Martin on the floor. Sammy Davis is on page 3 in the Kookie role.

    In the background of page 3, panel 4, the man serving drinks is Harry Truman.

    In panel 5, I'd guess that Khrushchev's other henchman is his deputy, Anastas Mikoyan.

    In page 4, panel 1, one of the men eating cereal is David Ben-Gurion, first prime minister of Israel. I don't know who the other man with the mustache is.

    1. Now I know - the other man eating cereal is Albert Schweitzer.
