Tuesday, February 8, 2022


HOT SHOTS! (1991)
dir: Jim Abrahams

Didn't have internet this weekend so now I'm behind. That's good news though, since now I have two extra days I'll be posting stuff here.

Cracked #269, January 1992
w: Tony Frank (Lou Silverstone)
a: John Severin

Weird for them to do a parody of a parody, since Hot Shots is itself a spoof of Top Gun, but whatever...

Topper Harley (Charlie Sheen) is an ex-navy pilot who has crashed and was lost, and has taken up residence on an Indian Reservation (parodying Dances With Wolves) for twenty years. Col. Block (Kevin Dunn) has found him and needs him for a new mission. In the movie, the peace pipe is a helium balloon. Kowalski (Kristy Swanson) wearing just a bra is a joke and here they're trying to make a joke on a joke.
Topper's father turns out to have killed Kent Gregory (Cary Elwes)'s father earlier and they become rivals. To re-enter the navy, he has to undergo a psychiatric evaluation and remembers the doctor (Valeria Golino) as someone he tried to impress much earlier an d they fall in love. Another joke is that Topper's friend "Washout" (John Cryer) is nearsighted.
Washout's nearsightedness has caused Dead Meat (William O'Leary) to crash and Admiral Benson (Lloyd Bridges) delivers the eulogy. He sends them on a new mission to kill Saddam Hussein and Gregory finds out how his father really died.
Pee-Wee Herman destroyed his career, or probably purposely got caught, for masturbating at an adult theater. George H. W. Bush's son Neil was implicated in a savings and loan scandal. Dan Quayle was Bush I's Vice President. WKRP in Cincinatti was a famous sitcom. John H. Sununu was Bush I's chief of staff. The strawberry joke is a reference to a scene in The Caine Mutiny.

There was a sequel that was also parodied which we'll get to tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. The food-in-bed scene (which Cracked describes on page 3, but doesn't show) is a parody of 9 1/2 Weeks.
