Monday, February 22, 2021


dir: Franklin J. Schaffner

Crazy #51, June 1979
w: Michael Shapiro (Paul Laikin?)
a: Walter Brogan

A secret meeting of Nazis led by Josef Mengele (Gregory Peck) is being spied on by someone who believes he has damning information he's about to give famous Nazi hunter Ezra Lieberman (Laurence Olivier).
1 The man (Steve Guttenberg) is found out, killed while telling of the evidence over the phone, and a previously skeptical Lieberman decides to investigate. He tells his sister (Lilli Palmer) he lives with that he's going to do so.
One of the people he interviews is played by Anne Meara, who was married to Jerry Stiller in real life. That's him caricatured in the middle right panel.
Former Nazi prison guard Freida Maloney (Uta Hagen) gives him much needed information in prison. While investigating the case, he asks Dr. Bruckner (Bruno Ganz) about why all the boys (the “boys” of the title) all look the same, and he's told they're clones of Hitler.
In the punchline, we get the usual joke in the seventies of the false equivalency between the Holocaust and Watergate. Though San Clemente was only the city where the post-Presidency home was. It would be like saying Mitch McConnell and Ted Cruz were The Boys from Palm Beach.
The whole movie's on YouTube (or at least was when I posted this) in case you want to see the whole thing.
The concept of cloning was on everyone's mind at the time, so it's only natural MAD would do an article called Clones from the Past (MAD #204, January 1979) and just a coincidence this was a part of it.

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