Monday, July 17, 2023


NBC 1990-1998

MAD #327, May 1994
w: Stan Hart
a: Mort Drucker

The show really had no opening sequence. It began with Jerry Seinfeld doing a stand-up comedy monologue then segued into a siuation tangentally related to the material, then got rid of that. It centered on Kramer (Michael Richards), Elaine Benis (Julia Louis-Dreyfus), and George Costanza (Jason Alexander) hanging out in New York City together. Newman (Wayne Knight), who was also in Jurassic Park sometimes hung out with them, but wasn't officially part of the group. Sometimes George's parents (Jerry Stiller, Estelle Harris) were part of the show. This version has Dan Rather doing a report on them. There are also appearances in the splash panel by Rudy Guiliani and Jackie Mason.
Bob Packwood was a Senator who resigned in disgraced after allegations of sexual harrassment. “Master of your own domain” is a reference to a show where the characters had a contest to see who could go the longest without masturbating.

”Penski File” is something George made up at work to sound like he was working on something.
”Rochelle, Rochelle” is a fictional movie title they used on the show several times. Crazy Joe DaVola was a featured character.
While Jerry Seinfeld was doing the show, he was dating a teenager. There was a story arc where he was trying to pitch a TV show and the concept was that it “was about nothing”.
Cracked #290, July 1994
w: Lou Silverstone
a: Walter Brogan

In one season, George moved back in with his parents.

1 comment:

  1. I seem to remember Mort Todd bragging that Seinfeld liked Cracked's parody of the show better than Mad's. I can't find the quote now, though. I do know that George was shown reading an issue of Cracked on one episode after this. Cracked did another spoof in #327, to commemorate the show's final season.

    In Living Color did a sketch about what might happen if the show's characters ever ventured out of the Upper West Side. (Apologies for the terrible image quality, but the better versions I could find weren't complete.)
