Sunday, November 8, 2020


dir: Stuart Rosenberg

MAD #214, April 1980
w: Dick DeBartolo
a: Mort Drucker

George and Kathy Lutz (James Brolin, Margot Kidder) have just purchased their dream house. But a murder occurred there a year earlier and unbeknownst to them there have been strange happenings.
Anyhoo...They brought in Father Delaney (Rod Steiger) to bless the house but as soon as he comes he's swarmed by flies and his hand burns when he tries to use the phone.
The toilet is overflowing with black liquid the same moment Kathy's aunt Helena (Irene Dailey ) visits and she gets sick at the same time and leaves immediately.
The clergy has decided the house is haunted.

The babysitter gets locked in the closet.
George becomes increasingly demented and they both have horrifying dreams and visions. The murder that occurred the previous year may be connected to demons in the house.

After he becomes possessed trying to kill his family with an axe and the house starts oozing blood, they decide to evacuate immediately.
The movie spawned several sequels and was based on a book based on a “true story” that turned out to be a hoax.

MAD #224 had a series of fake newspaper ads with blurbs in an article called William Shakespeare, Movie Critic by Henry Clark.

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