Friday, March 3, 2023


ABC 1964-1969

MAD #95, June 1965
w: Stan Hart
a: Mort Drucker

Soap opera in prime-time TV, considered really steamy at the time, based on a book and two movies. This parody is presented like the play Our Town, as if a host were introducing the show and characters. Here it's Matthew Swain (Warner Anderson), who was editor of Peyton Place's newspaper. Two of the characters were Rodney Harrington (Ryan O'Neal) and Betty Anderson (Barbara Parkins).
The Carpetbaggers and Youngblood Hawke were two movies with similar themes around the same time, though maybe closer in nature to something like Dallas.

Constance McKenzie (Dorothy Malone) ran the local bookstore. Matt was a father figure to her daughter Allison (Mia Farrow).
Michael Rossi (Ed Nelson) was the town doctor. Two other characters were Leslie Harrington (Paul Langton) and Julie Anderson (Kasey Rogers).
Every male character had a liaison with every female character on the show at least once. Other characters were Catherine Harrington, George Anderson, Laura Brooks, and Norman Harrington. Mister McKenzie never existed. He's drawn as Robert Young.
Sick #37, June 1965
w: Jim Atkins
a: Angelo Torres

“Us Tareyton smokers would rather fight than switch” was an ad campaign used by Tareyton cigarettes. Richard Burton and Liz Taylor in Cleopatra are pictured.
From If TV Shows Were Written By the Ad Agencies in Sick #48, November 1966, writer and artist unknown.

1 comment:

  1. Before the TV show, Larry Siegel wrote a parody of the original novel for Humbug, called Pagan Place.

    Allan Sherman sang a leering little ditty about the show. Here's the original:
    And here's an expanded version:
