Saturday, August 27, 2022


dir: Arthur Hiller

I think this is Robert Evans underneath the marker (her real-life husband and producer of the movie), but it's hard to tell with the defacement. Funny is still funny.
MAD #146, October 1971
w: Larry Siegel
a: Mort Drucker

Oliver Barrett IV (Ryan O'Neil) and Jenny Cavillieri (Ali McGraw) “meet cute” at the Radcliffe library. He is very rich and his family is a benefactor of Harvard while Jenny comes from a working class background. Harvard and Radcliffe were separate mens' and womens' colleges at one time.
Oliver invites Jenny to see him play hockey. Polish jokes were acceptable fifty years ago. There used to be polish joke books at the checkout aisles of grocery stores. And you thought smoking while shopping was bad.
In the foreground of the third panel is Erich Segal, author of the book Love Story is based on.

Let's hope “no blacks” is supposed to be something establishing the WASPiness of the couple and not something the reader is supposed to relate to. Even for 1970 that would have been a yikes.
Oliver invites Jenny to meet his parents (Ray Milland, Katherine Balfour) who don't approve of Jenny's lower status.
When Oliver and Jenny get married, his father disowns and disinherits him, so he has to make it on his own. Jenny's father (John Marley) hopes they'll have a Catholic wedding, but they have a secular one on campus.
They move to New York where he gets a job as a lawyer, they plan to have a baby, and he finds out from their doctor (Sydney Walker) that not own can they not conceive, but she's about to die.
It ends with a tearjerker.
Cracked #94, August 1971
a: John Severin

Rod McKuen was an easy listening-type poet.
In the MAD parody, they leave out how he's told she's dying, he keeps it a secret from her.
from If Hit Movies Were Combined in Cracked # 131, March 1976, art by John Severin
National Lampoon #31, October 1973
w & a: Ed Subitzky

Ed Subitzky was at National Lampoon from the beginning to the end and one of their most inconsistent contributors. Here's something that was probably a B.
Sick #86, September 1971
w: Fred Wolfe (Paul Laikin)

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