Thursday, April 14, 2022


dir: René Clément

MAD #113, September 1967
w: Lou Silverstone
a: Mort Drucker

From MAD Mini-Movies

Epic film about the Allied takeover of Paris and the resistance rising up against the Germans during World War II. Swedish consul Raoul Nordling (Orson Welles) urges Hitler's troops under the command of General Choltitz (Gert Fröbe) not to bomb the city because of its landmark status.
In the Allied forces is Gen. Patton (Kirk Douglas) who calls in Brigadier General Edwin Siebert (Robert Stack), who he calls Elliott Ness because both were played by the same actor. The parody makes fun of the fact that the movie had an all-star cast by including caricatures of Leslie Caron, George Chakiris, Glenn Ford, Charles Boyer, Jean-Pierre Cassel, and Yves Montand. John Wayne is included because of his appearance in The Longest Day, another WWII film that same year. It further mocks the cameos by devolving into caricatures of people who weren't in this but just happened to be hot celebrities like Terry-Thomas, the Rat Pack, Woody Allen, Bobby Kennedy, Julie Andrews, Dan Blocker, Woody Allen, and Peter Sellers.

1 comment:

  1. On page 1, the bit about "Paris when it sizzles" is a Cole Porter lyric.

    I thought it would be hard to identify everyone in the first panel of page 2, but it turned out that Drucker pulled the likenesses from a lot of the same promotional pictures that were used on the movie's poster. You named most of them, but here's a complete list (almost): from left to right, after Charles DeGaulle and the shouting man, there's Jean-Paul Belmondo, Alain Delon (speaking), Leslie Caron, George Chakiris, Robert Stack (speaking), Yves Montand, Anthony Perkins (in the helmet), Glenn Ford, Simone Signoret, Charles Boyer (below), and Jean-Pierre Cassel (above).

    The one person who has stumped me is the shouting man on the left. I just can't ID him.

    In panel 2, in addition to the cameo by John Wayne, there's one by Lee J. Cobb, who isn't in the movie.

    In panel 3, I'm pretty sure the guy next to Allen and Sellers is Richard Burton, rather than Bobby Kennedy. On the left, Drucker crammed in a couple other people above and beside Terry Thomas, and I think they're cartoony versions of Robert Vaughn and David McCallum from The Man From UNCLE. And to their right, the bushy-haired fellow is David Ben Gurion, first prime minister of Israel.

    In panel 4, because Gert Frobe also played Goldfinger, Drucker has drawn his assistant as Oddjob.
